Saturday, June 24, 2017

Sorry for our silence.

We would like to apologize for our silence. There really hasn't been much activity lately but I should let you all know that I will be at Historicon in Fredericksburg, VA next month on the 12-16 but my game will be on Friday and Saturday at 1 PM. So hope to see you there.

Friday, February 10, 2017

Illness and delays.

Sorry for the delay folks. We have been not feeling well this past week. (And by we, I mean my entire family) and thus everything basically came to a stop.
So for you, I forced myself to update the rules again.
Also, we are officially GO for Cold Wars 2017.
Update on our FB Page.
Cold Wars 2017. Lancaster, PA

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Update: Incoming Video

In a recent battle to play test the scenario we have set for Cold Wars, I recorded all of turn 4. I will upload this video sometime soon and will post the links when they are ready.
On top of that, the rules are being touched up again.