Friday, March 18, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Massive Build Update

Hi! It's Kevin here, bringing you a large update!

The Zeons had additional trimming done and they are partially organized.

Another view of the Zeons. Note, this is subject to change.

A closer view of the anti-tank units for the Zeon.

Next up are the Earth Federation Ground Forces. They too have been cleaned up some more and organized.

Same for the "Feddies", they are subject to change.

A closer view of the Anti-tank/ MS Hunters.

Reinforcement arrived from HLJ!  Two Zaku Ground War sets. 

That's a lot of plastic and that's just the tanks and Wappa's!

Infantry have been painted. At least primered.

 I started off with building the tracks first but leaving the bottom half off. It's easier to paint the road wheels and tracks.

 After that, turrets were assembled and the rest has been primered.

  Now we're onto painting. I painted these Tamiya Dark Gray.

 The Wappa's went Tamiya Dark Yellow, my favorite for Desert colors.

 Dealing and numbering are done.

Now for basing. I love using the Flames of War bases, size medium to base my troops on because of these holes.

And who is this?
Why it's Kergerenko (Military Woman) from various Gundam games and 08th MS Team. Gonna need a better pic of her.

No Gundam game (UC era anyway) would be complete without her, right?

And the two Zeon Platoons are ready!

And now they are totally done!

Tanks hunters and special characters are also done.

 Now, onto the "Feddies".