Thursday, December 1, 2016

Past Experience and future updates

Even though we had several great battles in the past, we are beginning to notice some flaws in various cards and the rules that will need correcting before we return to Cold Wars 2017 in 3 months. We will have to review our current stock of cards and edit them. Of course, with these edits will come the process of laminating and cutting them out but that's the easy part.
I also found myself creating another set of rules for another mecha series in which at a later date I will post the link to when it is created. Until next time.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Got a P-Bandai Gouf and Guncannon coming in from Japan sometime later this month. And sometime this week or next, a Samson truck and trailer will be arriving as well. I'm am pleased to report that the game was a success at Barrage. Had to make a repeat performance! Battle reports will be written up soon.

In other good news.
Whenever these guys come out, we're buying 3 of them!

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Har: Con Battle.

To ensure that the battle will go according to plan for Har:Con, we ran a test game a week before. 
 In this pic, we ran the battle at the beginning of episode 3. Where the 3 gundams encountered the Zakus in the woods.

 And this is the objective. One zaku in the pit, bunkers you see here I scratch built from wood and plastic. The helicopters are from Hawks Wargames, part of their Dropzone Cmmander. Only thing I could find close enough to the Zeon Gunships.
The Zaku Cannon my brother scratch built from the old 1/144 80's kit and a newer HG Zaku.

 The fighting in the woods was fierce but all 3 gundams survived.
 Not according to plan, the Zeon Helicopters began moving in.
 As the gundams began assaulting the position without Shiro, Zaku's began coming in.
 First to go down was Karen. Cockpit survived but the gundam didn't. To tell a long story short, that battle in the woods ate up so much ammunition and shields that we skipped it and decided to have the two gundams, Sanders and Karen with the Hovertruck assault first and then Shiro arrives with the guerilla's.
 Har:Con. Things went well. Unfortunately, I have forgotten to take pics earlier in the battle and this was towards the end of the battle.
This time, sanders has fallen but still active and in a bitter hand to hand battle, the gundam won over the Zaku cannon. The guerilla's were destroying pillbox after pillbox. Shiro assaulted the base as Karen dealt with the enforcing zaku. Norris is still firing from afar.

At the end of the battle, a pillbox flipped the hovertruck but Michel and Eledore survived. The pillboxes were destroyed and the Zeke's retreated. All had fun that day.

Dusting off the blog

We haven't forgotten about this place, just been so busy with other projects and such.
I figure this wouldn't be a bad place to put down my thoughts on the One Year War and Gundam in general.
I have recently came across some images of some zaku variants that I have no idea where they came from.  <- where i found them.

First off, this Zaku with the Magella Mortar. I can see this being used late in the war, with equipment becoming scarce and the need of combat units at an all time high. This is very similar to the Zaku Tank, except there were no Zaku parts to spare to make a Zaku Tank. The mortar itself probably uses the remains of a Zaku Bazooka and uses modified Zaku Bazooka rounds. A question I have is where the driver of the Magella base is at and how is aim achieved? Would be silly if it were that little crank on the stand.
 This Zaku Rifle Grenade I can imagine being used in the early part of the war, as a predecessor of the Magella attack gun. It is more of an artillery weapon, as the bazooka is more of a direct attack weapon.
 Love this design, one that would have been used in and around Odessa in one of it's many mining operations. After the Battle of Odessa, this design would've been made into a combat unit.
This is an odd one. Even though it is official that Zaku ground types had flamethrowers, it has never been consistently illustrated. I like the zimmerit on the legs, in order to prevent Federation infantry from planting magnetic bombs on them. This weapon probably saw very limited use when Federation mobile suits became more common on the front lines. Wouldn't be surprised if these units saw action in Southeast Asia in counter guerilla operations.

Love these designs but I have no idea where this guy found them. Would be nice if they're official. If not, we'thll work out some rule sets for them. We got a bunch of updates that need to be uploaded here, such as the 08th MS Team battle that was held at Har-Con and modelling project updates.

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Woot! Reinforcements!

Well, in the coming months, there will be more vehicles arriving. A Cui, Luggun, Sealance, Dopps, and Fanfans. Soo excited! Also, Zeon's got a new Zogok and a Zaku I Sniper. The Federation in the meantime have acquired a 3rd Ground Combat Gundam, meaning we can do plenty of 08th MS Team scenarios. Expect to see some battle reports from us in the near future!

Friday, March 18, 2016

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Massive Build Update

Hi! It's Kevin here, bringing you a large update!

The Zeons had additional trimming done and they are partially organized.

Another view of the Zeons. Note, this is subject to change.

A closer view of the anti-tank units for the Zeon.

Next up are the Earth Federation Ground Forces. They too have been cleaned up some more and organized.

Same for the "Feddies", they are subject to change.

A closer view of the Anti-tank/ MS Hunters.

Reinforcement arrived from HLJ!  Two Zaku Ground War sets. 

That's a lot of plastic and that's just the tanks and Wappa's!

Infantry have been painted. At least primered.

 I started off with building the tracks first but leaving the bottom half off. It's easier to paint the road wheels and tracks.

 After that, turrets were assembled and the rest has been primered.

  Now we're onto painting. I painted these Tamiya Dark Gray.

 The Wappa's went Tamiya Dark Yellow, my favorite for Desert colors.

 Dealing and numbering are done.

Now for basing. I love using the Flames of War bases, size medium to base my troops on because of these holes.

And who is this?
Why it's Kergerenko (Military Woman) from various Gundam games and 08th MS Team. Gonna need a better pic of her.

No Gundam game (UC era anyway) would be complete without her, right?

And the two Zeon Platoons are ready!

And now they are totally done!

Tanks hunters and special characters are also done.

 Now, onto the "Feddies".

Monday, February 22, 2016

Alright pilots, listen up! We had some reinforcements come in, in time for Cold Wars. Now these troops are very green and need some training to fight this war!

General Von Fluff (Gibbs) is inspecting the newest batch of Zeon Troops.

First up for the Earth Federation is MI022 US Infantry (Fritz Helmet)

Next up is MI023 US Support Weapons Both can be found here.

 Next up are the Guerrillas that we plan on using for our Har:Con event. These are MI082 Viet Cong Irregulars. found here.
Until next time pilots.

Monday, February 8, 2016


Attention pilots! We will be at Harmon 2016 at the Harford Community College at the Student Hall on April 30. General Admission is $5. We aim to recreate Ep 3 of 08th MS Team so come on over and may the glory of victory be yours.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Current Zeon Models part 1

For Zeon infantry, we used 10mm West German infantry from Miniature Figurines Productions.

Same for the Zeon anti tank team.
Zeon infantry with a Micro Machines 6x6 armored car being used as a stand in for a PVN.44/1 Weasel.

The PVN.4/3 Wappa can be found in the Zaku Ground War set.

The HT-01B Magella Attack tank is a straight build from the kit made in the 80's.

The Magella Eins is a 1/144 Merkava from The Military Museum Collection.